Behemoth Raging Raisin Belgian Strong Ale


2. Size (volume in ml) 440ml
1. Alcohol Percentage 10%

Ooh-ooh, bet you’re wondering how I knew

Bout your plan to make me beer

With some other Belgians that you

knew before?

Between the two of us, you’ll love Belgian

Quads more

Took me by surprise, I must say

When I found out yesterday.

I just had to share with everyone that I heard it through the grapevine that a new beer was in town. It’s a cool blues feel combining Pilsner, Munich, Melanoidin and Special B Malts, Dark and Medium Belgium Candy Sugars along with a Trappist Ale Yeast. But that’s not all. We also added a couple hundred kilos of sun ripened raisins to add to the dark fruit complexity.

We thought we’d try something a bit different, you never know, it might become wildly popular like a certain raisin company tried in the 80’s. Enjoy now or age for up to 5 years.